Looks like a normal wasp (with the colorations mentioned on the Infobox) only with 4 compound eyes instead of 2. Larval form has a 12 segmented upperpart which are the color Rust with 1 Black spike on each segment starting with the head that is medium size but per each segment it gets smaller until it is a spike shaped groove and the groove shrinks into no groove at all in the 12th segment, lack eyes, An Olive drab stripe on the end very bottom of the upperpart and a non segmented Naples Yellow underpart.
Powers and Abilities[]
Vespinox has some of the same abilities as a normal wasp plus more.
Web Creation: Has the ability to spew poisonous webs.
Poison Generation: Has the same poisonous stinger found in all wasps.
Parasite Mimicry: Its larval form has this ability from its 2nd to 4th stage where it enters the hosts body controls it and gives it abilities and then kills the host on its 4th stage when it leaves the hosts body.
Wallcrawling: Like all wasps can climb any surface.