- Akhlut
- Centaur
- Chocobo
- Cthulu
- Dwarf
- Elements
- Elves
- Fictional Creatures Wiki
- Flame Salamander
- Flish
- Gryphon
- Herculean Squid
- Hippocamp
- Jackolope
- Kirin
- List of Centaur Appearances
- List of Elf Appearances
- List of Hippocamp Appearances
- List of Video Game Creatures by Game
- Merfolk
- Mystic Cats
- Poop
- Power Grid
- Pseudo-Wyvern
- Sphinx
- Troll
- Type
- Vampire
- Vespinox
- Werewolves
- Wolpertinger
- Wyrm
- Wyvern
- Yoshi